This week’s recommendation comes from:

Molly Petruska

English Language Arts Content Developer

Molly says about this article, “I think that not only do children deserve to be heard, they deserve to have their ideas and opinions considered and valued.”

Children Are Citizens: The Everyday and the Razzle-Dazzle

Mara Krechevsky, Ben Mardell, Tiziana Filippini, and Maddelena Tedeschi

“When children grow up in a culture and begin their schooling with support for thinking, feeling, and acting in groups, they are more likely to participate in and practice democracy as informed and caring citizens.” – Mara Krechevsky and Ben Mardell

The authors discuss children as being citizens from birth, with the right to participate in civic life of their cities. The article shares two examples/studies. One is about how children provided feedback and shared their thoughts on the design of scaffolding that covered a building during it renovation. The other is about how children discovered and researched places in the city that interested them. The authors provide some guidance on how to involve children in these types of projects.