This week’s recommendation comes from:

Molly Petruska posing and smiling

Molly Petruska

IFL ELA Content Developer 

Molly says, “I appreciate the advice to find joy in specific moments as opposed to focusing on a general feeling of happiness at all times. Finding joy is a manageable ‘task’ during a time when achieving total happiness could prove to be difficult for many.”

 Forget Happiness—Pursue Joy

A Q&A with Ingrid Fetell Lee

“Happiness is something that we measure over time. Joy is about feeling good in the moment, and it’s really about these small and simple moments.” – Ingrid Fetell Lee, founder of The Aesthetics of Joy and author of Joyful: The Surprising Power of Ordinary Things to Create Extraordinary Happiness,

Writer and designer Ingrid Fetell Lee suggests pursuing joy, which is more immediate and shows up in simple moments, rather than focusing on happiness, which is broader and often measured over time. Ingrid goes on to share some things that can bring joy into our lives and the benefits of experiencing joy.