This week’s recommendation comes from:

Laurie Speranzo

Laurie Speranzo 

Mathematics Fellow 

Laurie says, “I have been working on learning a new language (in baby steps). Because of the work that some of our district partners are doing with emergent multilingual students, I decided that I needed to venture into a language that I never studied to feel the struggle that many of our students face daily.”

Here’s how your brain changes when you learn a language – what a University of Tokyo study showed us

Rachel Pratt

The Neuroscience Behind Productive Struggle

Rishi Sriram

The Meeting To Decide The Past Tense

“Whenever possible, ask students to use their long-term memory instead of solely relying on recent material. Students will make more mistakes, but these mistakes are productive because they build better roads in their brains … Learning is not about turning on a light. Instead, it’s about constructing better and faster roads.” – Rishi Sriram, associate profesor in the School of Education at Baylor University

Rachel Pratt’s article examines a University of Tokyo study that shows some fascinating things that happen in our brain when learning a new language. Rishi Sriram’s article in Edutopia looks at how productive struggle enhances learning. Finally, this set wraps up with a comedic video about the inconsistencies of the English language. Anyone trying to learn English should receive high praise!