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Productive Talk + Purposeful Play = Learning in Action 

Productive Talk + Purposeful Play = Learning in Action 

Oral language development is considered an unconstrained skill. In other words, it is a skill that can never be fully mastered because there is always more to learn. Take a look at these tips from the IFL Fellows on how embedding productive talk into purposeful play can grow those skills and impact student learning.

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Superintendent’s Student Cabinet a Success  

Superintendent’s Student Cabinet a Success  

You wouldn’t want to be at a job where you had no say on what happens, how it happens, or why it happens. So why wouldn’t students want the same? By inviting student voice into your school, you’re building accountability and credibility with the students you serve.

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When a High Assessment Load Prevents Learning

When a High Assessment Load Prevents Learning

In the time of COVID, so many are worried about learning loss, and because of this concern, assessments quantifying this learning loss are on the rise. The intent is to help bring students back on track, but this response has large negative effects on teaching and learning. Now is the time to give your students’ assessment load a large downsizing.

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Teach Test Writing as a Genre

Teach Test Writing as a Genre

Despite best intentions, test writing sometimes ends up being the formula that students never have to break. In this article, I advocate for teachers to teach test writing as a genre, inviting students to develop knowledge around the features, purpose, and audience of the writing required on standardized tests.

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“Esto Si lo Puedo Hacer!”: Creating Opportuinities for Success when Teaching Academic Vocabulary in Mathematics

“Esto Si lo Puedo Hacer!”: Creating Opportuinities for Success when Teaching Academic Vocabulary in Mathematics

Too often we hear the suggestion to pre-teach math terms to multilingual students, an action that prefences memorization over meaning making. Though well intended, this approach limits opportunities for students to engage in sense making of the mathematical concepts and relationships they are studying. There is a better and more equitable way! This article shares four pedalogical choices that foster student success in the math classroom while positioning multilingual learners as leaders.

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A Journey Towards Text Analysis

A Journey Towards Text Analysis

High-level comprehension tasks impact the depth to which students respond to analysis tasks. Check out this article in which two teachers share their stories about working with their students on comprehension tasks that support text analysis.

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